168幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录-开奖历史记录查询-幸运飞行艇开奖查询结果 Glorifying God
the Holy Trinity

幸运飞行艇开奖记录查询 幸运飞行艇官方开奖查询 幸运168飞艇开开奖 Knowing God, shaping community, growing in Christ and living beyond ourselves

We are a missionary people, committed to the proclamation of the good news of Jesus, teaching the faith, the service of others, and the transformation of the world.

To be Anglican is to be part of a rich and diverse church experience that links us to a worldwide community of 75 million people called the Anglican Communion. We are a people of two books: The Bible, which reveals God’s living Word in Jesus Christ; and the Prayer Book, which expresses our faith through our prayer and worship.

Church life is expressed locally in our ministry units which are united within a region called a diocese, which is led by the Bishop. The Diocese of Auckland extends from the Far North to the Hauraki Plains and the Coromandel.

Mission and vision: The Healthy Church Model

The Healthy Church Model captures our vision for our life and work together, both as a diocese and at the local church level. It provides a framework that helps congregations celebrate their strengths, identify areas for improvement and create space for creative new initiatives.

幸运飞行艇官方开奖 Latest updates

Video News 5 March 2024

Congratulations to The Reverends Diana Rattray and Petra Zaleski, who, during February, were licensed by Bishop Ross to new roles at The Selwyn Foundation and Maclaurin Chapel respectively. More >>

Pānui 23 February 2024

In this week's Pānui read about 'A Sanctuary of Stillness' at All Souls Clevedon, download Lent resources from the Disability Ministry Educators, and find out how to donate to Anglican Missions' 2024 Lenten Appeal. More >>

Diocese of Wellington elects new Assistant Bishop

Archbishop Don Tamihere and Archbishop Sione Uluilakepa have announced that the Reverend Anashuya Fletcher has been elected as Assistant Bishop for the Diocese of Wellington. More >>

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